MouseMesh Pest Control Articles

Testimonial from Paul Prest Ltd

Testimonial from Paul Prest Ltd

Normally testimonials regarding MouseMesh grills are one or two sentences, but that from Paul Prest Ltd ran to several paragraphs and we thought it worthwhile publishing the whole document: Hi Tony, I would just like to give you feedback regarding the small brown and medium MouseMesh vent covers I have been purchasing from your company

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Pest Control – Pests in New Buildings

Pest Control – Pests in New Buildings

Most problems have a solution, the challenge is finding it. Innovation is about utilising new ideas to solve existing problems and introduce effective solutions. The concept and delivery of 21st-century pest control solutions for the building industry is now becoming a reality. Our investment in developing new unique and innovative products is enabling Architects, planners

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Humane Mousetrap: Did you know?

Humane Mousetrap: Did you know?

Ralph Waldo Emerson didn’t say it! “Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door” is a phrase attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson in the late nineteenth century. The phrase is actually a misquotation of the statement: If a man has good corn or wood, or boards, or pigs, to

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What are air bricks and why do we need them?

What are air bricks and why do we need them?

Air bricks, sometimes called air bricks or air vents, are special bricks containing holes that allow air to enter under the floor of buildings that have suspended floors. Cavity walls also need ventilation to allow airflow that will prevent moisture build up. Traditionally air bricks were made of clay – a material similar to that

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House Mice – a Health Hazard

House Mice – a Health Hazard

House miceĀ (Latin name Mus domesticus) are well adapted to living within our homes, shops and factories. House mice will indeed very happily live and breed in our houses, garages, factories and any other place giving them extra protection from the cold, damp and wet. Our waterproof structures, especially cloches, garden sheds and similar shelters enable

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Pest Control Options

Pest Control Options

Common pests in the home are: Mice Rats Insects: Cockroaches Wasps Beetles Probably the most common pest in this list is the common house mouse (Latin nameĀ Mus domesticus) that has become well adapted to living in our homes, factories, storerooms and shops. All of these pests are a problem since they contaminate our foods and,

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Pest Control – Slugs

Pest Control – Slugs

Other Pests: Slugs MouseMesh was designed to keep mice out of your home; with the advent of MouseMesh with a stainless steel frame we have a product that will keep rats out of your home – sometimes this is referred to as RatMesh. It has also been acknowledged that the fine mesh of the MouseMesh

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Rats Can Chew Through Plastic Air Bricks

Rats Can Chew Through Plastic Air Bricks

We have known for some time that rats can enter homes after chewing through plastic air bricks. We now have evidence on film. The video below – posted on Youtube – shows the determination of two rats to enter a house via a plastic air brick. Like most animals, they are seeking shelter and food.

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Humane Pest Control

Humane Pest Control

House mice, as indicated by the name, have always had a close link with man. These fury creatures live in nests, which are often built in homes especially in the winter months. Our comfortable houses provide mice with the three essential elements they need to survive – food, water and warmth. House mice breed fairly

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Insect Pest Control – Beetles

Insect Pest Control – Beetles

Insect Pests: Beetles Different varieties of beetles provide three problems when they enter your home: Pollution of foodstuff, particularly dried food such as cereals, flour, grain, rice and nuts Damage to natural fabrics such as wool, cotton and silk – synthetic materials such as nylon, polyester and rayon are not normally damaged by beetles Damage

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