PETA Award for Humane Pest Control

MouseMesh receives PETA progress award for humane pest control

MouseMesh is very excited to have received a PETA progress award in 2007. We received a ‘proggy’ award ‘Best Humane Wildlife Innovation’ for our MouseMesh mice control grill which help remove the need for mouse traps and so contribute to humane pest control.

The PETA award text is as follows:

PETA - Proggy Award 2007, Best Humane Wildlife Innovation

“Best Humane Wildlife Innovation – MouseMesh

Easy to afford and highly effective, MouseMesh is a new, humane innovation that uses grills to cover vents that could provide rodents with an entrance into your home. Since MouseMesh prevents rodents from getting into your home in the first place, there is no need for cruel poisons, glue traps and back-breaking snap traps that kill and maim mice. This innovative and thoughtful product will spare millions of mice and rats painful deaths.”

Since MouseMesh prevents pests such as rodents (mice and rats) from getting into your home in the first place, there is no need for cruel poisons, glue traps and back-breaking snap traps and other mouse traps that kill and maim mice and rats. This innovative and thoughtful product will spare millions of mice and rats painful deaths whilst contributing to humane pest control.

About PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)

PETA was formed in 1980 in the United States and has more than 1.6 million members and supporters, making it the largest animal rights organisation in the world. PETA US and PETA Europe are dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals.

Like humans, animals are capable of suffering and have interests in leading their own lives; therefore, they are not ours to use – for food, clothing, entertainment, experimentation or any other reason. PETA-named affiliates around the world educate policymakers and the public about cruelty to animals and promote an understanding of the right of all animals to be treated with respect.

PETA US and PETA Europe work through public education, research, legislation, special events, and celebrity involvement and protest campaigns.

Mouse Mesh received the award from PETA for progress inĀ Humane Pest Control, and helping to remove the need for mouse traps, poisons and old fashioning approaches to mice control and getting rid of mice. Pleasing recognition of their humane mouse traps.